Aug 15 Guests, Uncategorized
Francisco is a Guest Tattoo Artist from Chile with 9 years experience and has won many awards throughout his career. He specializes in Tattooing Color Realism, Black & Grey Realism, Watercolor and Full Color. Francisco is dedicated to offering a excellent experience with client based in trust and love for this art. Check out his work at the link below.
Francisco es un artista del tatuaje invitado de Chile con 9 años de experiencia, premiado en varias ocasiones. Esta especializado en tatuajes de realismo a color, realismo black and grey, watercolor, full color. Francisco es un artista dedicado a ofrecer una excelente experiencia con cada cliente basándose en la confianza y el amor por este arte. Para ver su trabajo aqui: Tatuajes – Tattoos
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